

面板玻璃化學強化爐 Panel Glass Substrate Chemical Strengthen/Tempering Furnace


1. 工業材料熱處理爐35年設計製造經驗,用料實在,均溫性好.
( With 35 years experience in industrial heat treatment furnace design & manufacturing, Hi Heat confident of our quality and temperature uniformity.)
2. 安裝保養簡易,結構完整,可靠度及耐用度好,稼動率高.
(Easy to install and mantain, with complete machanical structure provide better reliablity and 
durability. High
3. 操作容易,縮短製程上線期,大大提升產品良率.
(Easy to operate, shorten on-line schedule. Greatly increase product yield rate.)
4. MIT品質保證,服務迅速,產品良率及產能遠遠超越大陸製化強設備.
(MIT quality assurance, quickly on-site service. Yield rate and productive capacity are lots more better than China made furnace.)
5. Foxconn, Apple, Corning 認證供應商指定採用
(Purchased by Foxconn, Apple, Corning certificated supplier - Still in Operate.)
6. ISO 9001 認證工廠
(ISO 9001 Certificate Factory.)